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Our Why

Our Purpose is to Help Leaders Unlock Their Full Potential

Through the Journey of Building High-Growth, Healthy Businesses

We’re a community of strivers, and we’re looking for others who seek to grow without limits.

Hiring the best teams and investing in their growth is not just a tagline for us. It’s the number one ingredient for success across our portfolio. Three Ships provides highly personalized coaching, in-depth assessments, and access to external experts to help leaders find their next gear.”

Aarti Sura

Chief Operating Officer, Three Ships

How We Do It

We identify best-in-class potential and nurture our leaders through personalized coaching, frequent feedback cycles, and stretch assignments.

Disciplined Approach To executive selection & placement

  • Systematic hiring process
  • Behavioral assessments
  • Case studies & simulations

Real-Time Executive Coaching

  • Team engagement & 360 assessments
  • Centered on 3S Compass framework
  • Commitment to Radical Candor

Leadership Development

  • Network of coaches & advisors
  • Builder Interview Series
  • Annual leadership events

Operational Support

  • Special Attention Reviews
  • Monthly Operating Reviews
  • Surge-support on mission-critical priorities

On the Schedule at Three Ships

External Advisors
Leadership Retreat
Expert Master Class
Coaching Intensive

3S Compass

The 3S Compass is our leadership framework that distills 4 behaviors we see high-performing leaders do over-and-over to get escape velocity.


The value in 3S Compass is that it’s a tangible way for me to develop as a leader. Each of the behaviors can be broken down into specific activities that can be learned and mastered.

It guides our reviews and assessment process, and informs the content in our on-demand learning library so we can easily upgrade on these key skills.”

John Morgan

Chief Operating Officer,
Home Solutions


True North for
Emerging Leaders

Renowned leadership expert Bill George and Three Ships CEO Zach Clayton wrote True North: Emerging Leader Edition, a guide to authentic leadership in today’s complex world.

The principles in True North shape our leadership development programs, including leading with your heart, building self-awareness, living your values, finding your sweet spot, and becoming a coaching leader.

Come Aboard

If you’ve got ‘Get After It’ in spades — that unique combination of entrepreneurship, strong ownership, and a desire to get your hands dirty — and are looking for a place to unleash your full potential, you’ve come to the right place.

Learn More
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